mardi 28 février 2012


The week from friday the 17th to tuesday 21 there is a very important festival in Breda. Carnival is a Catholic custom, and especially in the South of the Netherlands in the provinces of North Brabant and Limburg celebrated. The city of Breda during the Carnival gets a new name: Kielegat. The Carnival is organized by the Breda Carnival Celebrations Foundation.
Good tips: You will find hilarious fancies in the shops of Breda. Some are very cheap like masks, hats or accessories but you can also buy entire suit near 40 euros.

There is a parade the sunday, so a lot of people is wlaking around the centre following the floats or only drinking beer or going in bars and clubs.  
Yeah! All the clubs are open during the daylight, it was really strange to see all this people partying at two o'clock of the afternoon.
The other climax of the carnaval is the fireworks the monday at ten o'clock in the evening.

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